Between Lisa Bottomley and Vincent Papaleo, Child Experts, they have over 60 years of experience working in Family Law.

Lisa Bottomley

Vincent Papaleo
In 2023, Lisa and Vincent launched T.I.I.C, an innovative and unique program that provides reportable counselling in a case management model, that was initially offered to support families at a very sensitive and potentially distressing time of family change as very early intervention after separation, in the hope to avoid lengthy and costly legal proceeding.
However, overtime, the program has provided expert opinion and direction to families, their lawyers and Courts, in highly complex family law matters, where despite considerable engagement in various services and interventions, parenting disputes remain difficult to resolve, with no progress in supporting children to have real and meaningful relationships with both parents post separation.
Our experience is that by having the benefit of spending considerable time with families for the duration of the six to eight week program, the multidisciplinary treatment team of an expert psychiatrist, psychologist and social worker, has resulted in discussing constructively with parents, clear and direct advice, in the hope to avoid any escalation of litigation, that is often so highly destructive and costly, limiting any potential for change, providing fertile ground for children to remain distressed and stressed, and at risk of long term mental health vulnerabilities, whilst parties remain unable to move forward with a child focussed approach at the forefront.
The parties would be able to engage in further counselling should the parties wish to continue without any need for ongoing Court proceedings. Alternatively, should the matter not resolve, the parties have the option to engage the Child Experts in a T.I.I.C Summary Report.
The cost of T.I.I.C (six weeks all inclusive) is
$18,000 (PLUS GST).