The Family Law Parenting Centre (FLPC) provides a purposely renovated premises, with both indoor and outdoor activities, that is a private and an exclusive space for child/ren who are required to spend time with a parent on a supervised basis. The premises also provides separate entrances for any matter with allegations of domestic violence.
Families can access the service without the traditional long waiting times, upon the direction of a Court Order.
To commence, the parties will need to attend for an intake session, in addition to the children attending for an introduction to our supervisor and familiarise them with our premises. The program employs skilled personnel to facilitate time between the child/ren and parents in high conflict Family Court matters. The child/ren’s contact worker is Ms Deidi Arden, who promotes safe and positive contact arrangements for the child/ren and has a key role in supporting the rebuilding of the parent-child relationship in facilitating play, observations and interactions.