In her role with the Family Court as a Family Consultant, Lisa was required to supervise and assist families in complying with parenting orders, by way of a Section 65L Order made by the Court (Supervision Order). Given her extensive experience over many years, the appointment of a parenting coordinator has not required any further training or experience, although Lisa was fortunate to participate in Parenting Coordinator training internationally when she received a scholarship to attend the AFCC Conference in Toronto, USA, in 2014.
In private practice, Lisa continues to be appointed as a parenting coordinator with the goal to supervise and assist high conflict families, with a clear focus on reducing conflict between parents so as to protect the children from exposure to long standing tensions and difficulties between their parents.
A parenting coordinator is usually appointed for 24 months with monthly joint meetings with Lisa (in person or via Zoom), which provides a time and place for parents to meet and resolve day to day disputes, with the expert experience of child’s needs in high conflict and complex separations.
Hourly rate of $500 per hour inclusive of GST